Zion Lutheran Church

He is risen!  He is risen indeed!  Alleluia!                         Please join us in person, or online, for Sunday Worship at 9 AM, followed by in person Sunday School and Adult Bible Study at 10:30 AM.  Devotional Communion Service Saturday night at 6:00 PM                                                                                                                     
Our Church » Our Sanctuary

Our Sanctuary

Zion Lutheran Church
Our Sanctuary

The new sanctuary was dedicated on June 22, 2003.  As you approach the building, there are several significant design elements to draw your attention. The most obvious is the roof and the three small walls on the east side of the building. These walls lead the eye from the parking lot to the roof line, which appears to float over the building. The roof has an increasing pitch which points, through the steeple and the cross, to heaven.
Leaving the parking lot and moving toward the courtyard, we find a radial pattern in the cement, leading us to the front doors. The bushes in the center planter are intended to remind us of a fountain. The blue tile extending both toward the doors and away from the fountain represents a stream or brook. These elements tie into our mission statement, A Joyous Oasis Sharing Life Through Christ, reminding us that we are a spiritual oasis in the desert offering the Living Water of Jesus Christ.
The blue water extends through the front doors, down the center aisle, and across the chancel, leading us to the cross on the back wall. The windows that separate the narthex (entryway) from the nave (main worship area) are designed to remind us of waves, also reinforcing the water theme.
While the church has seating for more than 400 people, the back rows are still fairly close to the chancel because of the semicircular arrangement of the pews. This church also offers a cry room and nursery for small children.
It's truly a gift from God that we have this new church to use as a ministry tool in the name of Jesus and to the glory of God! May God help us be faithful in lifting high the cross and in proclaiming his wonderful love to our community.