Zion Lutheran Church

He is risen!  He is risen indeed!  Alleluia!                         Please join us in person, or online, for Sunday Worship at 9 AM, followed by in person Sunday School and Adult Bible Study at 10:30 AM.  Devotional Communion Service Saturday night at 6:00 PM                                                                                                                     
Prayer Shawl Group » Home


Leader : Carolyn Peterson
The Prayer Shawl Group meets on the second Saturday of each month to knit and crochet prayer shawls, prayer cloths, lap robes, and baby blankets and hats.
Meetings are held in the church nursery from 10:30 to 11:30 AM.
Our knitted and crocheted items are donated to local hospitals, assisted living facilities, long-term care homes, and to members or friends of our members who may be in need.
Gifts of yarn are always appreciated.  
We are always looking for needle workers to join us, and even have patterns for those who would like to work at home.
Contact the church at 760 245-9725.