Zion Lutheran Church

He is risen!  He is risen indeed!  Alleluia!                         Please join us in person, or online, for Sunday Worship at 9 AM, followed by in person Sunday School and Adult Bible Study at 10:30 AM.  Devotional Communion Service Saturday night at 6:00 PM                                                                                                                     


Sharing Life in Christ is Z-LYF!
Z-LYF welcomes all confirmed youth, and anyone who is at least 14 years old and in high school.
We all need Christian friends for support, encouragement, and fellowship, to help us navigate through life.  This is true for youth as well as for adults.  Come join our community of Jesus followers and share life with us!
Check out the bulletin and the church newsletter for upcoming events.  We hope you'll be able to join us!
Contact the church office for more information for more information.